Council for Innovation Promotion

New Op-Ed from C4IP Co-Chair Andrei Iancu: Help American Inventors Bolster National Security

Yesterday, Andrei Iancu — C4IP co-chair and former USPTO director and undersecretary of Commerce for intellectual property — published an opinion piece in The Hill explaining why the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act and PREVAIL Act are key to protecting U.S. national security. Iancu reveals how reforming the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) through the

New Op-Ed from C4IP Co-Chair Andrei Iancu: Help American Inventors Bolster National Security Read More »

Patents, Pumpkins, and Pageantry: The IP Behind Halloween

As Halloween approaches, C4IP is recognizing some of the inventions that have changed the way we celebrate this spooky holiday! The numerous patents registered for Halloween novelties — such as jack-o’-lanterns and costumes — reveal that creativity and IP rights underlie this holiday’s most important traditions. Carving frightening faces into vegetables isn’t an American practice

Patents, Pumpkins, and Pageantry: The IP Behind Halloween Read More »

Fact Check: PTAB Reform Would Benefit, Not Harm, Small Inventors

Claim: In a letter published August 8, Public Citizen, along with several other advocacy organizations, claimed that reforming the PTAB would hamper innovation and disproportionately hurt small inventors. Correction: As C4IP recently addressed, the opposite is true — proposed reforms aim to address flaws in existing PTAB procedures to more appropriately balance equities between innovators and those who want to

Fact Check: PTAB Reform Would Benefit, Not Harm, Small Inventors Read More »

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