Blog: Why C4IP Supports the PREVAIL Act

Op-ed: Karen Kerrigan, “Patents dramatically improve startup success,” 6/20/2024

C4IP Letter RE: PREVAIL Act, 6/10/2024

C4IP Comments RE: Unlocking the Full Potential of Intellectual Property by Translating More Innovation to the Marketplace, 5/13/2024

Comparison of the PREVAIL Act and the USPTO’s ANPRM on PTAB, 6/26/2023

Blog: Fact Check: The PREVAIL Act Would Not Protect “Bad” Patents, 12/20/2023

Blog: Fact Check: PTAB Reform Would Benefit, Not Harm, Small Inventors, 10/20/2023

C4IP Letter to Chairman Coons and Ranking Member Tillis on PREVAIL Act Hearing, 11/7/2023

Op-ed: Karen Kerrigan, “Congress’ latest patent legislation a big win for entrepreneurs, small businesses,” 11/4/2023

Op-ed: Andrei Iancu, “Help American inventors bolster national security,” The Hill, 11/2/2023

Op-ed: Walter G. Copan, “The U.S. is losing its technological edge. Congress must intervene to take it back.,” The Daily Camera (Boulder, CO), 9/21/2023

Op-ed: Lamar Smith, “Two bipartisan bills can revitalize American innovation,” The Dallas Morning News, 9/7/2023

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