Frank Cullen

New Op-Ed from C4IP Co-Chairs David Kappos and Andrei Iancu: New Patent Guidance on AI Could Quash Innovation

C4IP Co-Chairs and former USPTO Directors Andrei Iancu and David Kappos just published a new opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal exploring how the ambiguity of the USPTO’s recent guidance on patenting AI-assisted inventions could inadvertently discourage inventors from making use of artificial intelligence tools. They highlight numerous ambiguities in the guidance — including

New Op-Ed from C4IP Co-Chairs David Kappos and Andrei Iancu: New Patent Guidance on AI Could Quash Innovation Read More »

Fact Check: Patents Are Not To Blame for High Drug Prices

Like inventors in every sector, drug developers rely on strong patent protections to create new and innovative medicines. However, because of the prices of many drugs, activists frequently blame patents and accuse companies of abusing the patent system with tactics such as “product hopping,” “evergreening,” and “patent thicketing.” This troubling trend continued during the Senate

Fact Check: Patents Are Not To Blame for High Drug Prices Read More »

New Op-Ed from SBE Council President Karen Kerrigan: Patents dramatically improve startup success

Karen Kerrigan, the president and CEO of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, just published an opinion piece in the Buffalo News explaining how the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act and PREVAIL Act would help startups gain venture funding and bring their groundbreaking inventions to market. She illustrates the importance of patents to startup success, with

New Op-Ed from SBE Council President Karen Kerrigan: Patents dramatically improve startup success Read More »

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