Op-ed: David Kappos and Andrei Iancu, “China’s surging innovation investments are a wake-up call to Congress,” The Hill, 3/27/2024

C4IP Letter to Senate Judiciary IP Subcommittee Chairman Coons and Ranking Member Tillis on PREVAIL Act Hearing, 11/7/2023

Op-ed: Karen Kerrigan, “Congress’ latest patent legislation a big win for entrepreneurs, small businesses,” Duluth News Tribune, 11/4/2023

Op-ed: Andrei Iancu, “Help American inventors bolster national security,” The Hill, 11/2/2023

Op-ed: Walter G. Copan, “The U.S. is losing its technological edge. Congress must intervene to take it back.” The Daily Camera, 9/21/2023

Op-ed: Lamar Smith, “Two bipartisan bills can revitalize American innovation,” The Dallas Morning News, 9/7/2023

C4IP Letter to Secretary Becerra in Response to Anti-Patent Claims, 9/6/2023

Press Release: The Council for Innovation Promotion (C4IP) Commends Introduction of PREVAIL Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, 6/27/2023

Op-ed: Judge Paul Michel, “Senators’ Patent Reform Bills Offer a Strong Way Forward for the U.S. Patent System,” IPWatchdog, 6/26/2023

Press Release: The Council for Innovation Promotion (C4IP) Applauds Senators Tillis and Coons’ Introduction of Bills to Kickstart American Innovation, 6/22/2023

Op-ed: Lamar Smith, “Stop Big Tech’s patent abuse,” San Antonio Express-News, 6/14/2023

Op-ed: Judge Paul Michel, “We Are Helping China Win The Tech Race, Sacrificing Our National Security,” International Business Times, 4/24/2023

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