Innovation is America’s backbone.

It creates jobs here and improves lives everywhere.

Let’s protect it.

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Patents Save Lives

From diagnostics to therapeutics and vaccines, patent rights underpin the innovations responsible for saving millions of lives during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

IP Fosters Economic Growth

IP-intensive sectors, from film and music to high-tech manufacturing and life sciences, employ 45 million Americans and account for over one-third of total U.S. GDP.

IP Rights Tackle Global Challenges

Strong patent rights facilitate pioneering discoveries that are fit to address today's energy security, climate change, and public health concerns.

IP Rights Drive High-Value Creative Industries

Strong IP rights, from copyrights to trademarks, incentivize the development of creative works that fuel the economy and benefit the general public.

Predictable and high-quality intellectual property rights have propelled America’s innovative leadership ever since they were enshrined in the Constitution.

Blog: Fact Check: PERA and the PREVAIL Act, 1/9/2025

The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) and the Promoting and the Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act (PREVAIL) Act have continued to face attacks from anti-patent groups. One recent example is an article published by the Electronic ...

Stories of IP in Action


Fact Check: PERA and the PREVAIL Act

The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) and the Promoting and the Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act (PREVAIL) Act have continued to face attacks from anti-patent groups. One recent example is an article published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation ...

Inventor Spotlight: William Kroll

C4IP is recognizing William Kroll, who revolutionized America’s high-tech industries by making mass production of titanium possible. Kroll was born in Luxembourg in 1889 and studied engineering in Germany before returning to his home country and inventing a process to ...

C4IP Coalition Updates: December 2024

As December draws to a close, we wish you and yours a very happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year! We look forward to a productive 2025, and we thank you for your continued support. December Highlights: Advancing the ...
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