New Op-Ed from C4IP Co-Chairs David Kappos and Andrei Iancu: New Patent Guidance on AI Could Quash Innovation

C4IP Co-Chairs and former USPTO Directors Andrei Iancu and David Kappos just published a new opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal exploring how the ambiguity of the USPTO’s recent guidance on patenting AI-assisted inventions could inadvertently discourage inventors from making use of artificial intelligence tools.

They highlight numerous ambiguities in the guidance — including not defining what computer functions or programs constitute AI — and argue that this uncertainty will put a target on the back of any patent application that made use of a computer, potentially denying patent protection to the very researchers driving our progress in high-tech fields.

Instead of finalizing this flawed guidance, Iancu and Kappos write, the Patent Office should “do its part to encourage AI-facilitated inventions by issuing new guidance that recognizes AI as a tool—and a productive one at that.”

Read their full op-ed here:

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