Blog: Fact Check: PERA and the PREVAIL Act, 1/9/2025

The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) and the Promoting and the Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act (PREVAIL) Act have continued to face attacks from anti-patent groups. One recent example is an article published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which argues that PERA and PREVAIL would “make the patent system even worse” and

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Op-ed: Judge Paul Michel, “America Risks Losing The Technology Race To China,” International Business Times, 2/18/2025

Blog: New Op-Ed from Judge (ret.) Paul Michel: U.S. Patent Law Needs Congress’ Help, 1/16/2025

C4IP Board Member and former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals Paul Michel recently penned an op-ed in the DC ...

Blog: Fact Check: PERA and the PREVAIL Act, 1/9/2025

The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) and the Promoting and the Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership Act (PREVAIL) Act have continued ...

Op-ed: Judge Paul Michel, “U.S. Patent Law Needs Congress’ Help,” DC Journal, 12/4/2024

Blog: New Op-Ed from Former U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke: Innovation drives Minnesota’s economy. Congress should lend a hand. 11/25/2024

Press Release: Council for Innovation Promotion Commends Senate Judiciary Committee For Advancing the PREVAIL Act, 11/21/2024

Op-ed: Gary Locke, “Innovation drives Minnesota’s economy. Congress should lend a hand.” Minnesota Star Tribune, 11/18/2024

Op-ed: Patrick Kilbride, “Only Congressional Patent Reform Can Restore Constitutional Rights,” IPWatchdog, 11/11/2024

C4IP Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee on PERA, PREVAIL Act, and IDEA, 9/18/2024

Blog: Why C4IP Supports the PREVAIL Act

Blog: New Op-Ed from C4IP Co-Chairs Andrei Iancu and David Kappos: Big Tech wants to keep stealing patents—so it’s going to war with Big Pharma, 9/18/2024

Op-ed: Andrei Iancu and David Kappos, “Big Tech wants to keep stealing patents—so it’s going to war with Big Pharma,” Fortune, 8/28/2024

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