
Big Tech is abusing the U.S. patent challenge system

Paul R. Michel https://news.trust.org/item/20220218102516-a1p08 Reuters

Thank You, Senator Tillis, for Recognizing the Need for Evidence-Based Policymaking in Patent Law

Adam Mossoff Thank You, Senator Tillis, for Recognizing the Need for Evidence-Based Policymaking in Patent Law IPWatchdog

The Supreme Court is partly to blame for the Covid-19 test kit shortage

Paul R. Michel The Supreme Court is partly to blame for the Covid-19 test kit shortage STAT (Also published by the Boston Globe)

Can We Please Get Serious About Patents and Drug Pricing?

Barney Cassidy https://www.realclearpolicy.com/articles/2022/01/06/can_we_please_get_serious_about_patents_and_drug_pricing_810732.html RealClearPolicy

World leaders should acknowledge that IP protections facilitate vaccine access

Andrei Iancu https://fortune.com/2021/12/24/ip-protections-facilitate-vaccine-access-world-leaders-covid-pandemic-intellectual-property-biden-international-pharma-health-andrei-iancu/ Fortune

Why does the FDA want to stop improving medicines via patent ‘areas of concern’?

Andrei Iancu Why does the FDA want to stop improving medicines via patent ‘areas of concern’? STAT

Time to Fight Back Against Big Tech’s IP Assault

Paul R. Michel https://www.newsweek.com/time-fight-back-against-big-techs-ip-assault-opinion-1641267 Newsweek

Biden is trying to undermine America’s world-leading IP protections

Andrei Iancu https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/11/biden-is-trying-to-undermine-americas-world-leadin/ Washington Times

Federal Tech, Trade Bill Needs IP Owner Transparency Tweaks

David Kappos and Paul R. Michel https://www.law360.com/articles/1399081/federal-tech-trade-bill-needs-ip-owner-transparency-tweaks Law360

Waiving Covid-19 vaccine patents won’t get shots in arms faster. It slows down new vaccines.

David Kappos and Paul R. Michel https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/waiving-covid-19-vaccine-patents-won-t-get-shots-arms-ncna1268099 NBC Think

No evidence that patents slow access to vaccines

Andrei Iancu No evidence that patents slow access to vaccines STAT
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