
Biden is trying to undermine America’s world-leading IP protections

Andrei Iancu https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/11/biden-is-trying-to-undermine-americas-world-leadin/ Washington Times

Federal Tech, Trade Bill Needs IP Owner Transparency Tweaks

David Kappos and Paul R. Michel https://www.law360.com/articles/1399081/federal-tech-trade-bill-needs-ip-owner-transparency-tweaks Law360

Waiving Covid-19 vaccine patents won’t get shots in arms faster. It slows down new vaccines.

David Kappos and Paul R. Michel https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/waiving-covid-19-vaccine-patents-won-t-get-shots-arms-ncna1268099 NBC Think

No evidence that patents slow access to vaccines

Andrei Iancu No evidence that patents slow access to vaccines STAT
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