New Op-Ed from Netlist Founder and CEO Chuck Hong: Big Tech’s abuse of the patent system must end—take it from me, I’ve fought Google over IP for years

Netlist founder and CEO Chuck Hong recently published a new opinion piece in Fortune discussing his experiences as a tech entrepreneur and victim of predatory infringement, and highlighting how the RESTORE Patent Rights Act and PREVAIL Act could keep Big Tech in check.

He explains how Google has stolen Netlist’s patented technology by taking advantage of the America Invents Act (AIA), a law that allows patents to be challenged repeatedly. By challenging the same patent over and over at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), Big Tech can drain small businesses of time and money, which ultimately damages innovation and entrepreneurship nationwide.

Hong concludes by stating the importance of strengthening IP rights through reforms such as  the RESTORE Patent Rights Act and PREVAIL Act — which would prevent Big Tech companies from abusing their legal and financial resources to steal competitors’ patents.

In Hong’s words, “For too long, Big Tech has used the AIA to bully inventors and small businesses. It’s time for lawmakers to stop this abuse.”

Read the full op-ed here:

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